
Thursday, 17 February 2011

Simon used to call me Lady Docker, can't think why?

Answers on a postcard...

that or Hat.

Oooooh Matron!

I'd really no idea of what he was on about.

Really LL?  No idea?
Oh alright then, perhaps a little!

Although 'current Hubs'*, 
says I'm a force to be reckoned with.

(being the expression of the lovely Viv of
Hens Teeth - if your haven't visited her blog you must!)
It made me roar when I read that expression.

If I'm honest and I always am;  
regrettably I can see exactly where they were coming from.


  1. Did you see the biog on Hattie on BBC recently?
    We've got it taped to watch still.
    Lisa x

  2. Yes, and John Le Mesurier loved her 'til the end. Or at least that's what the press would have you believe! LlX

  3. I missed it but wish I had seen in, my mam said it was really good! I swear like a docker??! Well a girls got to enjoy herself!
