
Saturday, 6 October 2012

Let me ask you...

a serious question?

Those of you who do visit my blog,
 (thank you, your comments make it all worthwhile)
will know that of late I have been suffering with a 
throbbing thumb.

Which of these projects
would you think has caused me the most pain?

I'm extending the pathetic pond,
made by me earlier in the year with a
large flower pot.
Each morning I would sit with mug of tea in hand,
in my 'directors' chair (had to be didn't it?)
peering into the pool.
Every fibre of my being, willed there to be a frog.
One morning I nearly fell off the seat as, low and behold,
 a frog had arrived to take up residence.

this is the hodge-podge cushion I'm making for a friend
mentioned in an earlier blog.

It may surprise you to learn that it is the sewing,
 not the digging that has really caused my thumb 
to thrum.  I know that's not exactly right, however,
 I like the word and I'm using it, so there!
I'm sure you get my drift? 

It's thrumming painful any road.

Did you see that one coming?
Bet you would have said the digging wouldn't you?

What to do next to keep 
Eileen Fowler fit
that's the big problem?

I've given up aqua, all this bashing the water,
plus the grappling to get the wet podge bod out of my cossie.
Grapple the bozooms into high tensile
armour plated apparel I call
a brasserie.  Although could be called braziers -
size is about right.

If I had a quid for every lost soul that's 
said to me.

'Can I warm my luck at your brazier?'
'You don't get many of those to the pound!'

I definitely wouldn't need to buy a lottery ticket. 

I've reluctantly had to stop thrashing Ted at badminton.

My personal trainer, (that's a fib, cos I'm too tight to pay her)
keeps coming up with ideas...
'Haven't got a bike AND I live in the highest village in Kent!)
'I do a lot of that on my blog.'
'No I meant a Rambling Club!'
'Oh dear me NO!'
'It's full of old dears who put carrier bags on their shoes
when they go in pubs!'

Let's face it you really can't maintain your style icon
status carrying alpine sticks and
wearing those funny spats that go over your
boots to keep the rain out...
now can you?

And as for frigging bobble hats!


  1. I had a throbbing thumb, seems I got a thorn down the back of ther nail and it went into overdrive.
    In desperation I stuck a pin in it and have never solved a problem more quickly in my life. Trouble is, it then went septic from the pin but hey, can't have it all these days!

  2. Ooooh... you've just made me go all peculiar. Sounds horribilis!

    Mine I'm pretty sure is arithritis...
    I'll know next week when I go to the hospital to get it checked. I'm not complaining mind... looking on the bright side I can still conduct operations from the sofa.


  3. If you remember Eileen Fowler (and I DO) it must be arthritis. Mr N swears by 30 mile cycle rides, twice a week - but then he's a little bit too young to remember Eileen.

    1. You know where I live Nilly, would Mr N be okay cycling up the hill past my door? When I was his age 40? I used to cycle regularly (like twice a week) to Sherburn-in-Elmet from York. Although my fuel was unleaded 2* more commonly known as LOVE! Twenty five years later I've got a puncture.


  4. What IS it about putting carrier bags on your shoes that makes me laugh out loud? Hope your thumb gets better soon.

    1. The carrier bags come free with every packet of Denture Fix.


  5. Hi LL, it's your PT here, rambling is definitely your thing and I've got just the designer carrier bags that will save your reputation! No excuses. Incidentally after reading your blog I've just cooked roast duck and it was delicious. Now have a lovely blackberry and apple crumble cooking in the aga - all your cooking talk must be rubbing off on me, I supposed it had to happen eventually! Xx

  6. PT...'Oh dear me No! Designer just won't do... Us OAP's are frugal folk.

    You do realise that with this new found interest in cooking, the scales will tip... ie you'll get fatter and I'll get finner. When you need a personal trainer I'm your 'girl'.

