
Friday, 12 October 2012

I know I sound needy...


Why don't many of you comment on my blog?

I get shed loads of visitors,
It's been a long old struggle to get above 30 followers.
I say something a bit near the mark, then one will drop off...
so I'm only just treading water.

Ted often reads my blog and says
'Bet a lot of folk haven't got a clue where you're coming from!'
My wind-pain smile of a reply, speaks oceans!

Perhaps I do?

Oh dear!

I can feel a tartan slipper with buttons and bobble moment coming on.
Before you know it my big pink drawers hanging on the line 
will alert air traffic control at Gatwick. 

'Unidentified low flying object spotted over the Weald of Kent...
proceed with extreme caution!'


  1. Hello Linda, I've been reading your blog for a while but haven't commented before so I'm commenting now - and apologising for not having done so sooner! I've signed up as a follower too, I hope that helps a bit. Dare I also say that Ted is wrong...I know exactly where you're coming from!
    Regarding your last post - did you know that today is World Arthritis Day?

  2. I sat there for at least five minutes squinting at the screen trying to read that purple writing Mrs!! if only i had scrolled down sooner :-)
    Ted may be right but then again, he may not, sometimes men are wrong....! half the time I DO understand what you are going on about!! does that help.... but you know I've told you that already, my other opinion is that some people are shy. just a theory :-)

  3. Also I know what puts people of commenting is the word verification thingy, its very frustrating, I turned mine off. x

  4. Thank you Glynis, you've made my day. When I told Ted he groaned "Oh no! I'm now getting a rollicking from folk I don't even know!' Quite right, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

    Thanks for the tip re World Arthritis Day... although I must confess to feeling singularly underwhelmed; feeling much more excited at the fact it's National Chocolate week. Although not into choccie, know which I'd rather have!


  5. Sophie, If I've got it? I'm off to turn it oft right now! If you get my gist? Probably not!


  6. All I can say people do not know what they are missing, I just love, love, love your humour, it makes me smile, giggle and downright laugh out loud! I haven't a clue why people do not comments either or join up. i have only recently started to comment and join after reading blogs for a long time. keep doing what you do! jayne x

    1. Dear Jayne,

      Thank you, I bet thesps the world over would love an audience full of YOU.


  7. Comment, comment, bloody comment............ (on this post!). I laughed yesterday at your wonderful wry scribing before I went to work scrubbing and bleaching and bleuching, and I meant to leave a complimentary comment, but was shattered. You write with such humour and wit................ Keep doing what you do.... (or the dog gets it!)

    1. Oh mm, I didn't mean YOU!

      I was recommended to your blog and what a good tip-off that was. Kindred spirits and all that jazz.

      And another thing... they don't have to be complimentary. It's just good to get dialogue going.


  8. I love your blog and always read it. Now I have a blog of mine own, I appreciate how frustrating it is not receiving comments or knowing if anyone is out there! Keep on doing what you're doing! Debbie x

    1. I'm off to read it now... promise!

      And thanks,


  9. I read this yesterday but decided to give it some thought, and here's that thought:-

    a lot of what you write is fabulous, funny, wry and thought provoking, but a lot of it doesn't actually need a comment.
    You can read what you've said, laugh (or splutter into your porridge if, as I do, you most un-mindfully blog and breakfast at the same time) but apart from leaving a missive to say "haha, I was here" your posts are often more statements than discussions.

    In the nicest possible way, does that make sense?

    We love you or else we wouldn't follow you.

    If more followers are your aim, would you like me to do a post introducing you as one of the wry-est wittiest blogs I follow?
    I'm more than happy if that would help
    ps before I hit the button I hope you've turned off that blimmin w.v

    1. I feel all coy and blushful!

      Thanks Elaine, your comments always make me roar. It is just so lovely to think I'm not the only crackpot on the planet.

      Think I've done it, didn't even know I had it, 'til you mentioned it!


  10. I agree with Ted and Bunny. You take us on a hilarious journey around your brain-box and perhaps, sometimes, the only response is a guffaw!
    I have two other ideas:
    Your posts are so erudite & witty that sometimes we might feel our responses would be dull & banal by comparison. (But please don't dumb down!)
    Secondly, why don't you explore the blogosphere to find some like-minded blogger-wits to follow, who will, hopefully, then follow you. (You may not find too many amongst we vintage/crafty types.) I recently found Going Gently at
    He's eccentric, very funny - and gay! Have a look, then explore the blogs he follows too.
    Nilly xx
    PS. I know Pock well though we are up the other end of the Vale near Thirsk so no wonder I didn't hear your whip cracking.

    1. Gay and a man... will my latest love be superseded I idly wonder? If you read my next post you'll probably guess the answer!

      Erudite... isn't that tough glue?

      'I know Pock well!' Tell me which one-horse town you don't know Nilly? Memo to self...
      Must get out more.

      BIG squidgies,


    2. I know many one-horse towns,LL. It's one of the drawbacks/delights of being in the antiques trade.xx

  11. Wow! I'm blown away by your comments girls. I will reply individually, however in order to thunk them through, I am going up the garden to dig. I've come over strangely shy!


  12. Blooming glad you're going to turn off the word verification. I've told you loads that I can't ever read them or get them right!

    re comments - ditto what the others have said. Your blog is for reading and laughing at, quite often I have no idea how to reply, but luvs you lots - don't change xx

  13. Aaaaah! Thanks Debs... Has it gone? Just left a message on Kitsch and Stitch and had the same trouble... perhaps you ought to do the same!

    Bet you bought lots of exciting stuffed at the fair!

    Can't make my mind up about Tuesday as I'm just in from the garden, and it's throbbing BIG TIME. The precise work of sewing makes it even worse. T'old lassie is cracking up!


  14. Hi it is me in France keep writing Linda, I read you when I have the time its like they say you have a sense of fun.
    Now get to it girl

    E xxx
