
Thursday, 28 April 2011

No... this isn't my invitation for tomorrow - however...

I have cooked for HRH on many occasions, 
which I would obviously love to share with you - 

Common-sense and decorum 
(both of which you know I have in spade-loads?)
says no LL!


My sofa seat has been booked for tomorrow, 
where I will watch with a mind full of memories.


I shall raise a glass of champagne and wish them all happiness. 


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Feel more like old man Steptoe than...

anything else at the moment.
All I'm short of is the blooming 'orse.
Can't move a muscle for long-forgotten treasures.

All action-stations getting ready for our first

I really had no idea, just how much squirrelled away old rubbish I actually had!

Trouble is, a lot of it I can remember it the first time round.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday morn in Kent...













Think of me at night when sleep is near

And I who loved you, am so far away

Think of me then and I will come to you

Nor leave you till the night turns into day

Stretch out thy hand and through the depths of dark

Another hand, shall brush your finger tips

And as of old my voice shall breathe your name

And press a kiss upon your sleeping lips.


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

S.O.S. I need some help...

I've sorted out all the treasures I've acquired over the years and I've just realised I haven't got the foggiest idea how to price them?

Where do I start...

I washed an eiderdown that I thought I could take, I then read Sophie's blog Fading grace re. her love of eiderdowns and guess what...
I don't think I can part with it.

And ANYWAY how much would I charge for it?

The same with a rag rug, that has been languishing in the attic... 
and so on and so forth...
Dah dee dah, dee dah,  
talk amongst yourselves, while I try and get to grips with this addition to not letting go.
I'm only pleased I never smoked; it's been blooming hard giving up my dairy obsession, it was only my butter-ball bum that clinched it.  If you know what I mean?

So that's the state of play...

Pathetic I know, I need some serious counselling, anyone up to the job?

Sunday, 17 April 2011

I don't know what to do for the best...

do I part with all the treasures acquired over the many and various chapters of my life?
At this point I ought to remind you that I DON'T DO SHARING.  I squirrel, I hoard, I fondle, I imbibe the fusty scent of old artifacts and fabric.  I pour over photo's of yore with a teary eye, I rearrange things to make my comfort zone more comfy.  Time slips by; where did the day go?  Filled with that guilty, I've been very naughty, lush feeling, I carefully stash my secrets back, being careful to look over my shoulder in case any one is peeping.

With the Kitsch and Stitch extravaganza fast approaching I really must get to grips.

The sack barrow I bought on ebay years ago, (when I was wanting hessian fabric?) looking for all the world like it carted off the body from the Orient Express!  Is that a contender?  Trouble is, Hubs had enough trouble getting it from some far-flung part of the UK.  The weight my dear you wouldn't believe!  And that's just the wheels.

The endless eiderdowns (before you get too excited) they're manky.  We don't need loft insulation, we just roll out the eiders, if it's good enough for ducks...

Early Pyrex - the next big thing.  
Remind me one day to tell you a funny story re. this most humble of dishes.  
The ingredients are:- a Royal house, a very grand butler and a very jaunty little glass dish with absolutely no ideas above its station.

In the Winter room (my snug) I need a shoe horn to navigate my way to the window; the boxes await with the demeanor of prisoners on death row.  
'Will it be me?' they quakingly quiver.  
'She's obviously feeling better, she has that wicked gleam in her eye - 


Saturday, 16 April 2011

I'm having withdrawal symptoms...

from blogging.

I've been proper poorly and just haven't felt like doing a thing. 

So much to do and so little time.

'Kitsch and Stitch' is just three weeks away!

Exciting or wot?

Do come we'd love to see you all.

Can I bear to part with so many treasures I wonder?

On that happy note I'll wish you all a very good night!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Languishing under a powder-puff pink pagoda...

full of cold and feeling sorry for myself, I got to thinking, of the advantages us baby-boomers have.

After a happy, hippy haze of peace, free love and "Good shit man!
We knuckled down to work, we've been prudent, well some of us have!  Arriving  where we are today in good health, looking a helluva lot better for our age than our parents and grandparents.

In our adolescence we weren't worried by looking botox beautiful, being rich and film star famous was totally unattainable for us mere mortals then.
Life seemed more fun somehow and a lot simpler. 

Go on say it...
"LL's obviously got her rose-tinted specs on!"
And yes I probably have, my only hope is, that the young of today look back on now with the same fond memories.

I wonder if they will? 

Make love not war!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Men I'm in love with...

I've just left a comment on Mrs T's blog 
(see sidebar because I can't be bothered to type again her http thingy - I've already tried 26 times and I must be missing something?  Not the best at this techie stuff. Tempted to put in here come back Royal Mail, but that'd get her even more tetchy!) 
And it got me thinking about all the men I have the hots for.  All in the best possible taste you understand.

1.  Alan Bennett 
he will NEVER be knocked off the top spot.

The next names are in random order
Mike our postie
Johnnie Depp
He who shall have to be nameless?
Our vicar although I rarely darken his door
Jamie Oliver for what he's trying to achieve
Hubs because he adores me even though I'm a complete arse
Rock Hudson in the Doris Day films; as a child I just thought he was the most handsome man in the world
Nigel Slater
Dylan Thomas for Under Milkwood
Thomas Hardy
Our neighbour Ken (hope Margaret doesn't read this)

Now I've sat down to type my endless list - I've dried up!

It'll have to be work in progress...

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mothers of the world unite...

With or without (children) let's celebrate our sex

Be proud, be strong, be brave


Look in the mirror and love what you see.
