
Friday, 15 March 2013

Tumbling tigers...

 F1 circus clown more like!

I'm an avowed tomatoholic, so much so,
I haven't even entertained the much vaunted
12 step programme.
I'm happy deep in my addiction.

My all-time flavourite...

To this end, in 2013 I decided to try the very upmarket relation... 

Roll of drums, with circus master's cloak swirling,
I introduce 
'The one, the only, trapeze defying
Tumbling Tigers!'

Tumbling Tiger is so up her own
flowerpot you only get 10 seeds...
Yes... ten, I know cos...
 I only went and blooming counted them.

Stealing a march, I got them started off early, together with
Black Russian, 
'mahogney-brown fruit with a delicious blend of sweetness and acidity'
named after their much venerated leader?

For the mortgage-inducing cost of the Tumbling Tigers,
prudence peered over my shoulder, as carefully I arranged just five seeds in a pot.
The black hearted Russian with 30 seeds, I could be a little more relaxed.

None of the little beggers germinated.

'Good job, I didn't like Viv Nicholson (showing my age here)
'Spend, spend, spend!' and sow all the seeds.

Second attempt was much better, 
four of the T.T's are just about clinging on to life, 
only with the intervention of 24 hour nursing, mind.
The Black Russians positively stormed away,
well that is until they were attacked with a 
severe case of droop.
They also have had to be brought into the warmth
 of the intensive care unit.

At this rate I'll be lucky to get one plant of each.

The gardener's mobile compost heap
she calls a car, sporting the much admired
fluffy dice and red noses.


  1. It's just a thought old bean, teaching Grandma to use unequal pressures on hen-pods and all, but have you tried pointing a rifle at the tomatoes and barking the order to grow?

    Works wonders with children and dogs. I was potty-trained at gunpoint, the whole process too about eight seconds.

    1. Shooting them - No! CPR to the strains of Staying Alive... a possiblity, even that, might not be a good idea, now two of the brothers Gibb have died.


  2. ditto tomatoholic- am just making tomato & thyme soup for lunch with sundried tomato & thyme scones...

    1. Sounds delish, I'd be knocking on the door anytime now. It's just such a pity I've got folk round for afternoon tea and a rubber of whist. Got to supplement the ole pension some how!


  3. You two are naughty tomatoholics!. Ever since Elaine mentioned that tomatoes made the old Arthur-itis play up I'ved avoided them like the deadly nightshade berries some folk say they are.
    Please tell me - can I eat them or not?

    1. Oooooh! Don't say that Nilly, like any addict I just can't give them up.


  4. I'm now hooked on a variety that is simply known as 'La Portuguese'. It's a non-hybrid, so the seed can be kept from year to year. It's a very large, very solid, tomato; the type we use for salads. Worth looking out for!

    1. I've drawn a blank Cro, any other suggestions for a similiar one? It's flavour, flavour, flavour I go for every time.

